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the likelihood of as many different answers as there were respondents.

Such a question, whilst possibly yielding ideas, would not have easily

lent itself to numerate analysis, and might, by lengthening the ques-

tionnaire, have reduced the response rate. Again the opportunity was

passed over, partly because it was felt that should the results of a

simple Yes/No question show substantial feeling against potential

income, then it would become a proper subject for consideration through

the synodical system, wherein of course all parishes have representation. - C4 -
Opinions on diocesan office

         These two questions were deliberate probes. Since it is the

Diocesan Secretary's policy to make himself and his staff as available

and as helpful as possible it was worth taking the opportunity afforded

by the questionnaire to ascertain the degree of his success. - C5 -
Description of the Diocese

         This again was a probe with no anterior knowledge as to how best

it should be phrased. The format adopted sought to distinguish, prin-

cipally, between those who saw the Diocese united under the Bishop and

those who had a less centripetal viewpoint; and possibly also distin-

guish any who had feelings of alienation. - C6 -
Control over diocesan financial policy

         This question contained an inherent ambiguity in that the Board

of Finance is technically a committee of the Bishop's Council, but the

point was either missed or not considered a difficulty because the

greater majority of respondents correctly identified the Board as the

principal controlling agency. - C7 -
Parochial influence over diocesan policy

         This moved away from the purely financial to try to ascertain the

parochial feeling about the working of the synodical system. It was

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