- 25 -

known that this had inadequacies but not how serious they were deemed

to be. Again the phraseology of the question was deliberately chosen

to be simple rather than technically adequate. This sufficed for the

majority of treasurers who completed - and returned - the questionnaire

quickly - but caused some confusion among those who gave it deeper

thought. Several added comments which we shall consider in paragraph, but their particular concern seemed to be the omission of

the word 'financial', leading them to wonder what sought. Possibly

greater distinction could have been made between C6 - financial control

- and C7 - general control - if the phraseology had been more precise,

but it would also have been longer and risked deterring those who were

happy with brief, quickly answered, questions. - D1 and D2 -
Methods of raising parochial finance

         These two questions were largely factual, included to provide

information in areas wherein little was known.

         The methods to be used by parishes to raise money is one of

several themes on which opinions differ widely and which consequently

are difficult to handle analytically. In order to obtain an answer

susceptible to analysis and yet not compress latent feeling too much

the Yes/No boxes were supplemented by a space for optional comment -

a facility of which several treasurers availed themselves. - D3 -
Investment advice

         This was the sole survivor from a group of questions originally

motivated by feeling that some parishes had at least complex, and

occasionally substantial, bequests to handle. The area however is hazy

and precise questions difficult to phrase. Eventually only the one was

posed but it yielded useful results.

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