- 99 -

£186,000, charge per head =
= £1.85. This multiplied by each

parish's population becomes the parish share. Catton was sufficiently

impressed by this system to delve more deeply into several practical

aspects, concluding that it "greatly appeals to me" and that the

Diocesan Secretary is "very satisfied with system, only 2 appeals

in last 4 years". It seems however to be an assumption taken as read

that the aforesaid calculation of population is necessary and that the

extant figure of Church membership is not a reliable criterion.


         In the formula adopted by Hereford Diocese "the Domestic

Rateable Value is used to measure the financial potential of a

parish", a stepped apportionment being made similar to that applied

to the population by Lincoln.


         Norwich use a points system:

         Population - total of Parliamentary Electors divided by 10.

         Rateable value - divided by 10,000.

         Electoral Roll - total as recorded at last AGM.

         Services of a clergyman - one clergyman is worth 60 points.

Using these factors in a Deanery, a parish example works out as below.

The deanery points add up to 2728, and the (deanery share) to be

found is £8,039.

         Population - 1230 divided by 10               =   123

         DRV £89,639 divided by 10,000               =       9

         Electoral Roll                                            =    67

         Share of clergyman's time - whole time    = 

                                                                               259 points

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