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facie case for a cost-benefit analysis which it would be interesting

to pursue because of the varied behavioural responses which would

probably result. But we can only note the point and leave it be.

         The content of the scheme is based on isolating differing

parish variables, applying an agreed weight "...based and adjusted

by long experience of Stewardship Missions" to each, and thereby

evaluating a 'family count' for each parish. This count multiplied

by a rate of giving deemed appropriate for the parish yields the

parish potential income. Summating all the parishes within a deanery

produces the deanery potential income, and summating all the deaneries

produces the potential income for the diocese. The formula then

becomes :

Potential income of deanery
Potential income of diocese
  ×   Diocesan budget

         Deaneries are responsible for checking original data, and

later apportioning share over their constituent parishes with power

to adjust.


         The Lincoln diocesan scheme calculates a theoretical Church of

England membership from the civil population as published in the

Parliamentary Register of Electors:

                 "20 per cent of the 1,000 population

                   15 per cent of the second 1,000 population

                   10 per cent of the third 1,000 population

                     5 per cent of the remainder."

         This is then summated to produce a diocesan total population

which is divided into the diocesan budget to produce a charge per

head, e.g. if diocesan population is 100,319, and diocesan budget

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