- 22 -

of treasurers as wide a spread as possible between the major charac-

teristics of urban/rural and amateur/professional, and also from among

the diverse opinions known to be held. It follows that the results

cannot be treated as a definitive statement of parochial feeling but

only as a preliminary analysis which may occasion food for thought.

         When the completed questionnaires were returned some points

emerged which, had they been realised in advance, might have led to

different phraseology or format. To avoid confusion with the results

the next few paragraphs will first enumerate some of these forethoughts

and afterthoughts in respect of certain questions. - A1 -
How long a treasurer?

         It would have been better here to split the group '1-5 years'

more finely, perhaps '1-3' and '3-5' since this turned out to be the

modal group. - A3 -
How long per week on treasurer's duties?

         The definition and extent of 'treasurer's duties' may well vary

from parish to parish, but it was decided to risk ambiguity in order

to achieve simplicity. - A6 -
Accounts easily understood?

         The question as posed begged the deeper question of how many

parishioners - or even how many members of the Parochial Church Council

- took an interest in the accounts. This latter would be very useful

to know as a guide to the quality of financial control being exercised

at parochial level, and hence for the quality which could be looked for

at diocesan level, but to have elicited it adequately would have needed

a question more complex than a simple Yes/No answer and it was reluct-

antly decided to forego the opportunity. (Apropos the need for such

control, even in such a trustworthy organisation as the Church, Slade

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