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2.1 Introduction
In due course this study will be going in some depth into alterna- tive systems for allocating diocesan share - into producing a financial construct - but that cannot properly be done in isolation from a number of other factors. The finance function is not a separate entity, to be established alone, distinct from others, but essentially a facilitator, located at the centre of the organisational web, reacting to pressures from, and serving the needs of, many other organisational functions; and since the particular combination of functions beinq served will probably be unique to each organisation, an understanding of their roles and interplay is a desirable prerequisite for the preparation of an adequate financial system, though regrettably, not always available for this study. In view of the dearth of published material in this field, and the limited time available for interviews, the content of this chapter may leave something to be desired. Rather than make a compact compre- hensive survey, it will deal briefly with only a number of distinct points on which information became available, and suggest others where more research may prove worthwhile. 2.2 Clergy Remuneration
2.2.1 Establishment and purpose of the Central Stipends Authority
Clergy Remuneration is the one aspect which, more than any other, causes headache and heartache in the financial administration of the Church of England today. As early as 1911 it was stated that "The Church suffers from the underpayment of the clergy." (B14) and in 1928
a "living wage" (B9) for incumbents was being placed "first in the list
of immediate [diocesan] needs" (B9) . The theme occurred repeatedly in
various reports: "For many...incumbents...their stipend is at a level which entails financial anxiety and this problem is made worse by |
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