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         Capital values came in as being a prima facie distinction between

parishes - the supposition being that the wealthier parishes would

tend to own more property - and insured values added in the belief

that those were more easily ascertainable. However the discussion

group, whilst deciding that all were easily available, rejected all as

failing to distinguish and not being appropriate.  
Potential income as at present assessed
      √     √     √         √

         This also generated discussion - possibly because it was something

with which the participants were familiar - the principal points in

favour being its target-setting and educational values, and against,

its failure to reflect the pattern of giving within a congregation.  
Parish budget for the next financial year
     √     √     ?         ?

         A point which again failed to yield consensus. There was an

expressed desire that parishes should be encouraged - possibly even

required - to budget ahead, but doubts as to whether they would

(at present parish budgets appear to be the exception rather than the

rule). In the absence of such budgets the point must be academic, but

it nevertheless merits discussion as being a direction in which

diocesan policy making may choose to move.

Non-financial criteria  
Establishment of clergy ministering in

the parish
                                                     √      √     √         √  
Establishment of other pastoral staff

in the parish
                                                  √     √     √         √

         The original phraseology for this had been 'clergy employed' but

the word 'employed' was disliked and the word 'establishment' substi-

tuted. This change also adequately handles vacancies - since these

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