- 33 - - D3 -
Investment advice

         This yielded a fairly even split between those who do and those

who do not, seek advice. The absolute figures should be treated with

caution, since they may be affected by factors unique to the Church

and not easily discernible to an outside analyst, the 'No' vote for

example may be inflated by "... one or two parishes who regard it as

unspiritual to keep balances, .. . if they've got anything left [at the

year-end] they give it away"
and it would be reasonable to assume

that other parishes too might have nil or negligible funds to invest.

Of those who do seek advice though, the majority would turn initially

to the Diocesan Secretary, a few would consider the Diocesan Board of

Finance, a similar number consult experts within the parish, and one

turns to the bank.

Detailed comment on descriptive questions

         We now come to several questions which were purely descriptive

in format. These were included with some caution because they are so

difficult to analyse; but it was felt that pertinent areas could not

be assessed in any other way, and that forcing all questions into a

Yes/No format could lead to frustration and a reduced response rate.

The following summaries therefore, whilst useful as a guide to the

results, are bound to be somewhat subjective selections. - B1 -
How were you appointed treasurer?

         The greater majority of the responses indicated an invitation

having been made and several implied that it had been coupled with an

implication of moral obligation. None suggested they had actively

sought the position. Yet the work load is apparently not onerous

(question A3) and the typical parish congregation could be expected

to include a high proportion of professional people
. It seems

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