- 30 - - C4 -
Opinions on diocesan office

         The results of these two questions were gratifyingly favourable -

it would seem the Diocesan Secretary's 'open-door' policy is working

successfully. - C5 -
Description of the Diocese

         A clear majority of parishes - 19 out of 30 - evidently see

themselves as one among equals, not as subordinates of the Bishop.

Only two displayed a real sense of alienation. - C6 -
Control over diocesan financial policy

         Another clear majority (22 out of 32) correctly identified the

Board of Finance as the principal controlling authority. The count

in favour of the Diocesan Secretary (7) may not be too surprising -

"a lot of people ... realise by now that it is my personal responsibility

to draw up the budget and the Board of Finance's job to consider it"

but to ascertain whether or not those seven were justified would need

a closer observation of the working of the various diocesan committees

and boards. - C7 - Parochial control over diocesan policy

         The actual count shows a small majority feeling that parishes do

not have adequate control over the Diocese. The fact that there is any

majority at all is perturbing, and whilst no democratic organisation

can reasonably expect to achieve perfection in its representative sys-

tems, this result would seem to show that there is a degree of disen-

chantment among parishes which may merit closer study.

         The comments added to this question were again a fruitful source

of thoughtful ideas, many suggesting a degree of inadequacy in the

workings of the synodical system. "Parishes do not yet appreciate the

importance of the deanery, when they do synodical government will start

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