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B16 Hennessey, D.B., Church Buildings - An Examination of a Possible Strategy for the Future Replacement of Church Buildings, Diocese of Bradford, 1978. B17 Johnson, L.C., A System Dynamics Model of the Southern Baptist Convention, In Dekker, L., Simulation of Systems, North-Holland,
1976, 0 7204 0541 6. B18 Kotler, P., Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, 1976, 0 13 557967 8. B19 Lawler, E.F., Pay and Organizational Effectiveness: A Psychological View, McGraw-Hill, 1971, 0 07 036700 0. B20 Lockyer, K.G., Factory and Production Management, Third Edition, Pitman, 1974, 0 273 00465 4. B21 Merrett, A.J. and Sykes, A., The Finance and Analysis of Capital Projects, Second Edition, Longman, 1973, 0 582 45038 1. B22 Milgram, S., Obedience to Authority, Harper-Row, 1975, 0 06 090475 5 B23 Rowbotham, The Organisation of a Diocesan Office, Press and Publications Board of the Church Assembly, 1946. B24 Rudge, P.F., Management in the Church, McGraw-Hill, 1976, 0 07 084478 X. B25 Savidge, A., The Foundation and Early Years of Queen Anne's Bounty, SPCK, 1955, 0 281 00261 4. B26 Slade, F.V., Church Accounts, Gee, 1974, 0 85258 139 4. B27 Wyn, D., Parochial Finance, Advertiser Press, Paddock Head, Huddersfield, 1967. B28 Archbishops' Commission, Church and State - Report of the Archbishops' Commission, Church Information Office, 1970. (ii) Consulted during research but not quoted in text. Adair, J., The Becoming Church, SPCK, 1977, 0 281 02964 4. Brunel Institute of Organisation and Social Studies, The Church of England and Contemporary Communities - A Working Paper. Brunel University, 1978, 0 902215 38 8. Central Stipends Authority, First (1972) and Second (1973) Reports of the Terms of Ministry Committee, Church Information Office, 1972 and 1973, 0 7151 3656 9. Central Stipends Authority, Differentials - A Report to the General Synod by the Central Stipends Authority, Church Information Office, 1977. Centre de Recherche et de Documentation des Institutions Chrétiennes, Répertoire Bibliographique des Institutions Chrétiennes, CERDIC Publications, Strasbourg, France, 1978, 0079 9300. |
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