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         Laughlin in defining his objective states "...the structure

that we adopt...should be enabling and encouraging growth in the

parish giving rather than stifling it. But...any structure of itself

cannot achieve alone growth - but it can and should help". His scheme

is obviously a move in that direction but he notes himself that the

principal objections to it being implemented are behavioural

"...the typical incumbent...does not mind being patronised by the

Saints of the past or the anonymous diocese, but to be sponsored

financially by the parish up the road...is too much!" although his

own opinion is that "...the problems - especially financial - are

great at the moment and need radical solutions...". Probably he is

right and probably - eventually - it will be somewhere on his line of

reasoning that diocesan boards of finance will come to rest if their

respective diocesan shares continue to increase in the future in the

same way that they have in the recent past.


         Other dioceses display widely differing methods of allocating

share, there is a trend towards potential income rather than actual

income, but no unanimity as to method of calculation. There is

possibly a preference among dioceses which are largely homogeneous

(especially if largely urban) for a precise formula, and among

those less homogeneous (such as Bradford, which mixes urban with

rural) for something more flexible. However, within the various

systems adopted, and some theoretical systems being postulated, there

are several technical ideas which would merit closer consideration.

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